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  • Writer's pictureKris Kin

Yeet The Sweets

Salutations and welcome to another session of WWBS or What Would Bangs Say? Who doesn't enjoy a good sweet treat? I know I do even as a cat! They say cats can't taste sugar but let me tell you - when my human is eating something like a tasty piece of cake or ice cream, I want a bite.

My human takes it to another level though. I rarely see them sitting at the computer without a sugar filled drink and they are at the computer a LOT. I recently took my human aside and we had a talk. They're going to try and let go of the sweets. Not all at once but little bits at a time. We would like to encourage others to do the same. So starlights, please join us in what we are calling "Yeet The Sweets". Whenever you grab something sweet to eat, simply "yeet" or throw it away. Not literally, as you may not want to waste. Instead, put it back and grab something a little healthier. Maybe a juicy watermelon or apple?

But why should we do this? Let's take a look at what can happen when you cut sugar from your life or consume a significantly less amount.

Firstly, reaching your weight goals should be a lot easier without sugar. You'd be surprised by how much weight a few cans of soda can cause.

Next, you'll decrease your chance of diabetes. My human is already pre-diabetic so it is important for them to make this change but trust us, it's better not to get to this stage. The sooner you cut the sugar in your life, the better. It's also possible for your depression to improve a bit if you cut sugar intake. My human isn't so sure about this but if it does work, we will be sure to spread the word and edit this! Lastly, without so much sugar, you have more energy. My human actually knows this to be true from experience as they have tried to take less sugar before when they were first diagnosed with pre diabetes and it worked! Unfortunately, they fell back into their old habits...

That being said, I am working with my human to get them back on track and we are hoping you will join us, starlights. Let us know if you too decide to Yeet The Sweets and how it effects you. We wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful week. Shine bright, starlights! Have a request for a future post? Let us know through comments or email to find out What Would Bangs Say? Contact us here:

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