Salutations and welcome to another session of WWBS or What Would Bangs Say?
Today's topic wasn't requested by anybody but I think now is a good time to talk about it. If you've been following us, you've probably noticed that my human and I started two new projects recently - Pet of the Week and Mental Health with Miss B. on YouTube.
That is what I'd like to talk about today, starlights. Trying new things. It isn't always an easy thing to do.

In fact, my human hates change and likes to stick to a routine as often as possible. They were extremely nervous to start these new projects. They almost didn't go through with it. Of course, I did what I do best and stayed as supportive as possible. "You can do it, human!" I said about a million times. Several head bunts, trills, and reassurances later human finally got the hint and did it.

It was a great decision too! Our Pet of the Week tab is doing quite well and it feels good to help other pets find forever homes.
On the other hand, there's our YouTube. Believe it or not, it's tough for me to try new things as well and I like routine too. I am a cat, after all. I don't mind getting my picture taken but when my human tries to take videos I freeze. I'm not scared, I just don't know if I want to go back to being filmed. I like to tell my human I am retired from that life.
So it's my human's turn to reassure me and be supportive. They are doing a good job so far. I like that we're moving my Mental Health with Miss B. series to YouTube for now.

So that's about it today, starlights. This was more of an update post than anything else but we'd love to hear from all of you. What new things have you tried to do and were you successful?
We hope you enjoy all of our content and that you all have a wonderful week. Shine bright, starlights! Have a request for a future post? Let us know through comments or email to find out What Would Bangs Say? Contact us here:
Love you guys! Thanks for everything you do.
Excellent. I will check it all out.