Salutations and welcome to another session of WWBS or What Would Bangs Say?
Well, starlights, it's July and tomorrow happens to be the fourth. We pets know this means that fireworks are coming. Many of us dread this day.
Thankfully, my human doesn't mess with fireworks but we have some neighbors here and there that do. I was afraid of the loud sounds at first but I learned to be brave rather quickly. Still, I can't say I'm a fan of the loud booms.

We can't stop humans from having their fun so what can we do? Well, my human and I thought we'd share some tips on how you can help your pets feel better when those nasty fireworks get too loud. One thing you can do for your pet is close the windows and curtains. This can cover or at least quiet the sounds of the fireworks so they aren't so booming. Adding background noise can also help. Just make sure if it's something like music it isn't too loud or it could add to the problem instead. This is especially true if you have human's taste in music. No rock and roll, please!

Going with the last point, running a fan can be helpful too! And maybe a nice blanket to cover up with and feel safe. Oh, and if you have a dog especially - Sometimes a chew toy can help relax them. There are also products you can buy that can help calm your pet down. We'll leave a link below of some items that are useful.
We hope this list helps you out a little bit, starlights. Fireworks can be rough, but we appreciate what our humans do for us to help when we feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable.

We appreciate you all and hope you have a wonderful, safe, and happy Fourth of July. See you next time. Shine bright, starlights! Have a request for a future post? Let us know through comments or email to find out What Would Bangs Say?
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