Salutations and welcome to another session of WWBS or What Would Bangs Say? Today we'll be answering another question from one of our lovely followers. This one's from Diana:
"Hi Kris and Ms. Bangs. Hello beautiful ladies. I have seen on your Pet of the Week before that some of the cats have Food Sensitivity and have been in a shelter for an incredibly long time. Does it really cost much more just to feed them a restricted diet? I've said this before but to me their sensitivity is nothing much more than a food allergy. I share those Pet of the Week posts but how do I / we get people to realize that their condition(s) are quite manageable? Thanks for all you do... I sincerely mean that."

Hello there, Diana, thank you so much for sharing the cats and dogs in need on our Pet of the Week page! We appreciate the help and we know they do too.
It is incredibly unfortunate how long some of the cats and dogs on our page have been searching for their forever homes. We're not sure if there's much more we can do to help them other than what we've been doing to be honest. We do have one idea - My human had a cat before me back when she lived with her parents and he needed a special diet. Maybe sharing his story can help inspire people to adopt a cat or dog with a similar issue.
We've mentioned him in a previous post. He was a black cat named Midnight and he loved on everybody. There wasn't a mean bone in his body. My human says he was much bigger than me.

They got him as a kitten and at first things were normal, but near adulthood he started having issues with crystals in his bladder. Eventually, it led to blockage. The vet recommended that he should stay on a restricted diet for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, it's true that a lot of Prescription and Veterinary foods are more expensive than regular old cat food. My human's parents weren't crazy about having to spend so much money but they couldn't just abandon Midnight. Well, with all the cuddles, head bunts, and biscuit making over the years - Both human and her family say that money isn't even missed. They'd do it again in a heartbeat. There's just something special about helping an animal in need even if it costs a little extra money - They are more than worth it.

In fact, I'm sort of a special needs cat, myself. I have severe allergies along with a few other medical issues so I've cost human more money than other cats might have. She might have been more reluctant to adopting me if it weren't for Midnight. Well, we don't know if this was helpful, Diana but we really do appreciate you sharing our Pet of the Week page. Thank you so much for your question and here's hoping that Midnight's story will help encourage others to adopt.
Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week and we'll see you next time. Shine bright, starlights!
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My cat Misty has gallstones and kidney issues so she have prescribed cat food and takes meds. She even had a feeding tube a few years ago but after a month the vet took out and thr vet wanted her to eat on her own . So far the diet and the cat food are keeping Misty going .
Thanks for sharing your story/info about beautiful Midnight and also your health challenges. I've had 2 cats with health problems. Laya had toxic megacolon and Molly had hyperthyroidism. The unconditional love they gave me was worth every penny I spent on their food and their vet visits (I am in no way financially well off.) They knew how much I loved them and they "thanked" me every moment of every day through their love.
PLEASE, don't be afraid to adopt a furever friend with allergies or other health challenges. They will know that you are trying to help them and will give you unconditional love.