Salutations and welcome to another session of WWBS or What Would Bangs Say?
Well, it's almost a new year. How was your 2023, starlights? Did you reach all your goals? Come up with any new year's resolutions? If not - you're not alone! That is what today's topic is all about.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard my human complain about not finishing their book this year. I love them so much but if there's one thing they're good at - it's playing the "what if" game. Well, that and throwing self pity parties. "What if nobody buys my book?" "What if I write this wrong?" "I can't do this. Why do I even try?"
It gets old really fast hearing things like this day to day but as I said, I love my human so I do my best to remind them that it's never too late.

One way I do this is by getting them to look at our website every day to remind them why we do what we do. Seeing things like our "Pet of the Week" tab where we feature pets in need of adoption really helps inspire my human to keep writing. Of course, seeing your comments helps too! My human loves to see how sharing pictures and stories about me brightens people's days. It also puts a smile on their face. (And makes me purr).
This goes for you too, starlights. Don't give up on your goals either. Whatever they are - If you start to question if they'll ever happen, just remind yourselves why you set the goals in the first place and what they mean to you.
I can assure you, my human and I are not giving up on our book and we hope you continue to reach for the stars too, starlights. Let's make this new year the best it can be together. It's another year and another opportunity to shine.

We know this was a shorter post but just consider it a sort of pep-talk for the new year. Hope you all have a wonderful rest of 2023 and an exciting 2024. Happy New Year and shine bright, starlights! Have a request for a future post? Let us know through comments or email to find out What Would Bangs Say? Contact us here:
Pet of the Week:
Happy New year to you and your human!
Love it!
Thanks for the motivation, miss Bangs.
Thanx Bangs!!!
Thank you for writing this blog. I needed this pep-talk.
Have a wonderful rest of 2023. Love you! ♥️